
Growing Deeper

How do we grow deeper with God?

We grow deeper with God and others through:
  • Worship -- It’s both communal and personal: Ascribing worth-ship to God 
  • Scripture -- God’s word is alive and always new. We spend time with scripture, both Old and New Testaments, to be shaped
  • Spiritual Practices -- Sometimes called “disciplines,” these practices – like prayer, rest (keeping sabbath), gratitude, service – open our lives to God’s forming
  • Community -- Throughout scripture, God calls people into community. In community we are encouraged and challenged, nurtured and sent – ultimately to be agents of blessing, justice, and grace to the surrounding world
  • Self-Awareness -- If it sounds like pop spirituality, think again. Jesus integrates “self” within each call of Mark 12.30-31 (loving God with all of one's self-ness and loving the neighbor as self) – and one cannot love what one does not know. Even Reformer John Calvin recognizes the “Connection Between the Knowledge of God and the Knowledge of Ourselves” (Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. I, 1). Each understanding informs the other as we grow in awareness of God and self.

Some Practices from Our History

Word & Sacrament

Spiritual Practices

Experience Worship

Human Equality -- Racial Healing & LGBTQ Inclusion 
